Legal information

Legal information

1. Presentation of the site

According to article 6 of law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, users of the site must be informed of the identity of those involved in its implementation and monitoring:

Owner: Chihiro Matsuoka – Japan 〒505-0302, Gifu Kamo Prefecture, Nishikori, Yaotsu
Creator: Roman pine forest
Publication manager: Romain Pinède – (natural or legal person)
Webmaster: Romain Pinède – chitoroshop@
Hosting provider : SHOPIFY: Shopify – 151 O'Connor Street Ground Floor Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8 Canada
Credits: Chihiro Matsuoka and Romain Pinède

2. General conditions of use of the site and the services offered

Use of the site implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions may be modified or supplemented at any time, so users are advised to check the site regularly for the latest updates.

The site is normally accessible at any time, but interruptions for maintenance may be decided by Chihiro Matsuoka, with prior communication of the dates and times of intervention.

The site is regularly updated by Romain Pinède, and the legal notices may also be modified at any time. Users are invited to consult them regularly to stay informed.

3. Description of the services provided

The purpose of the site is to provide information on all of the activities of the Chihiro Matsuoka company.

Despite all efforts to provide accurate information, Chihiro Matsuoka cannot guarantee the absence of omissions, inaccuracies or gaps in updating the information provided on the site. This information is given for information purposes only and is subject to change.

4. Contractual limitations on technical data

The site uses JavaScript technology. Chihiro Matsuoka cannot be held responsible for material damage related to its use. Users are encouraged to access the site with recent, virus-free hardware and an up-to-date browser.

5. Intellectual property and counterfeits

Chihiro Matsuoka owns the intellectual property rights to all elements accessible on the site. Any reproduction, representation or modification of these elements is prohibited without prior authorization.

6. Limitations of liability

Chihiro Matsuoka cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage caused by the use of the site, such as material damage or loss of market. The interactive spaces are moderated, and Chihiro Matsuoka reserves the right to delete any illicit content.

7. Management of personal data

Personal data may be collected when using the site, but only in the context of the services offered. Users have the right to access, rectify and oppose this data.

No personal information of users is published, exchanged, transferred or sold to third parties without their consent. Databases are protected by law.

8. Hypertext links and cookies

The site contains hypertext links to other sites, but Chihiro Matsuoka cannot verify their content and assumes no responsibility in this regard. The installation of cookies on the user's computer is likely to facilitate their navigation on the site.

9. Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

Any dispute relating to the use of the site is subject to Japanese law.

11. Lexicon

User: Internet user using the aforementioned site.